McGrath, Sean

XML by example: building e-commerce applicaions/ Sean McGrath - New York : Prentice-Hall, 1998. - 470 páginas ;

XML-AN Executive summary 2.XML in action 3.The commercial benefits of XML 4.Gaining competitive advantage with XML 5.Jus enough details 6.Using XML with internet explorer 4 7.Database publishing with XML 8.Web automation with WIDL(Web interface definition language) 9.Push publishing with CDF (channel definition format) 10.Developing XML utility programs 11.The XML standard 12.XML hypertext linkingg with XLL 13.XML formatting with xsl 14.The unicode standard 15.The document object model 16.Raiding the sgml larder 16.OFX-open financial exchange 17.XML/EDI-XML and electronic data interchange 18.Open trading protocol


XML (Lenguaje programación computadores)

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