Pauling, Linus

Introduction to quantum mechanics : with applications to chemistry / Linus Pauling - New York : McGraW-Hill, 1935 - 468 p.

1. Survey of classical mechanics 2. The old quantum theory 3. The schrödinger wave equation with the harmonic oscillator as an example 4. The wave equation for a system of point particles in three dimensions 5. The hydrogen atom 6. Perturbation theory 7. The variation method and other approximate methods 8. The spinning electron and the pauli exclusion principle, with a discussion of the helium atom 9. Many-Electron atoms 10. The rotation and vibration of molecules 11. Perturbation theory involving the time, the emission and absorption of radiation, and the resonance phenomenon 12. The structures of simple molecules 13. The structure of complex molecules 14. Miscellaneous applications of quantum mechanics 15. General theory of qunatum mechanics

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